A list of things I'm grateful for. Because, days like today I think I need to remind myself.
1. Two healthy, beautiful children. Even though they DO both have ADHD and are off their rockers by the time I pick them up after school and are enough to make even their grandmother demand they be medicated.
2. A big, strong husband who is a hard worker, excellent provider and loving partner. I love that he's 6'7" and can make even ME feel petite - no matter how ginormous I get. I love that he's owned his own business and done so well at it for so long that I haven't had to work in six years. Mwah!
3. Having half a brain. Thanks to my parents for the decent genes. I'm thankful that I am able to use my intelligence to do well in school and, hopefully, end up with an awesome career in nursing. I couldn't do it if I was a dimwit. In the words of my first nursing instructor... "nurses are not stupid people".
4. For my big, old beautiful house. Even if I'm not thrilled with the neighborhood it's in, I do love it. If I could pick it up and move it elsewhere - it'd be perfect.
5. For my parents (all of them) and their health. They've all got health issues, but are not critically ill. For this I'm thankful.
6. For my siblings, Paul, Mary and Stacey.
7. For my girlfriends. I can tell you all anything and know you will listen to me, not judge me and will offer words of encouragement, advice or just support whenever I need it.
8. I'm grateful for the nooks and crannies in Thomas' English Muffins. And for peanut butter filling them.
9. The internet. Without which I wouldn't have 3/4ths of my friends or my husband (and thereby my kids!).
10. My kids' teachers. For teaching them things that amaze me every day.
11. My entire extended family. Aunts/uncles/cousins/cousins' kids, etc. I love that we're all so close and I can count on any one of you for anything.